Humour & Sex Trilogy (Trilogie Humor & Sex)
These were my first books to get published, and honestly, it was the publisher who pushed me to do it. Writing this genre isn’t usually my thing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. If you’re into a bit of sarcastic humour, you might find something to enjoy here.
The first book was a collection of 20 erotic fairytales, inspired by the classics we all know. If you’re expecting something steamy, you’d be mistaken. These are light-hearted stories where erotica adds a twist, based on the fairytales everyone grew up with.
After the first book’s success, they asked me to write another. This time, I took characters from books, movies, and TV shows I love and wrote short stories featuring them. Once again, humour took the lead with a dash of erotica. Ever wondered about Dracula’s funny side? Or the challenges of casting spells as a bespectacled teenage wizard?
The third book in the series dives into history, featuring infamous kings, queens, and even a pope from Alexander the Great to Napoleon, all in cheeky stories that might, just might, have happened.
Children of Blood (Děti krve)
I’ve always felt that humour and sarcasm are my things. And I’m stubborn enough to insist that they’re the key ingredients, the prized spices in any book of any genre. Yes, even in a thriller, though it’s wise to tread carefully.
Anyway… Children of Blood is a very different kind of fantasy book. If you’re expecting the typical fantasy hero—honourable, strong, unbeatable, always right—then this book might not be for you. However, if you crave wild supernatural creatures, magic, and characters who don’t bother with political correctness (they even prefer a powerful royal family ruling instead of democracy), and of course, if you appreciate the art of poison and aren’t afraid to wield a stiletto when necessary, then yes, Children of Blood might just be the book for you.
The narrative is told from the perspective of a regular marketing guy who finds himself in a parallel universe where everyone wants to kill him. Fortunately, he not only manages to survive but uses his sarcasm to take you on a thrilling ride, front-row seat included.
Up next: the Inspector Daryl Stout series, with each book exploring the investigation of particularly enigmatic killers in Sydney.
I spent five years living, studying, and working in Australia, and when it came time to choose a setting for a city with particularly nasty killers, I thought—why not Sydney? It’s stunning, famous, and big enough that even after Inspector Stout nabs the latest bastard or bitch, there’ll still be plenty of folks left to fill the streets. In the first book of the series, Red Peppers, three women band together to take revenge on handsome, successful men, subjecting them to the most dreadful fates imaginable.
[…] I’ve already confessed HERE, I have a bit of a penchant for sarcasm, so my first books, written in my mother tongue, were […]